Winter Climbing Program

Bring your kids out to our winter rock climbing program and let them unwind.
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Come out and experience our winter climbing program!

Who: Students ages 7 and up

Cost: $75 per family; *$50 for families enrolled in Classical Conversations*

Location: 1870 Union Ave., Benton Harbor, MI 49022

Date: Now through the end of December - **Fill out last section of enrollment form below to pick a time**

Purpose: Introduction to rock climbing - knots, mechanical systems, safety systems, anchor building, and climbing in our bouldering gym and on our top rope routes

Benefits: Battle the winter blues, let your kids unwind, take a break and get coffee or stay and use our classrooms as a workspace

Why rock climbing?

Gain Confidence

Rock climbing is a great way for kids to gain confidence with their physical and mental abilities. Most students finish our program and complete routes they did not think were possible at the beginning of the semester.

Get Stronger

Rock climbing is a great exercise and a full body workout. Students learn balance and technique, while building strength in their upper and lower body and core.

Problem Solve

Rock climbing routes use applied math. Students mentally solve the problem of completing the route, then use their bodies to test each solution formulated in their mind.

Screen Time Alternative

Did you know that most kids spend between 20 and 40 hours a week in front of screens, whether it be a phone, tablet or video game? This has become the worst addiction in our society since cigarettes. Kids need more physical, real life socialization and fewer digital interactions.

Enroll using link below: Winter Rock Climbing Enrollment