Nexus Information and Policies

All building users need to read and understand these policies. Failure to abide by these policies will result in termination of your building usage and your key will need to be returned.

Primary Building Purpose

To reduce the facility burden of directors in local Classical Conversations campuses. 


Additional Building Uses

Other groups and activities are approved on a case-by-case basis in support of the homeschool community. Preference is given to partnership classes offered by the owners as those fees collected directly fund building expenses. Other uses are a privilege and not guaranteed.  


Responsibilities and Expectations


Classical Conversations facility fees only cover a portion of the annual building insurance costs. Property taxes, utilities, repairs, most consumable supply costs, and other costs are privately funded. This is important to understand when considering your family’s expectations.


Community Service

The building requires a certain level of community service from each family to help distribute the burden. Here are ways you can help:

1. Supplies: Donations of toilet paper, paper towels, soap, cleaning supplies and other consumables is greatly appreciated and heavily used by all families.

2. Cleaning: The number one way your family is expected to contribute is by cleaning up after yourselves. ALWAYS retrace where your family was during your visit and clean up all trash, crumbs, spills, and personal belongings. Then, take it a step further and check that other families in your community did the same and hold them accountable. 

3. Cleaning days/grounds maintenance: We ask for help with outside clean up once per year, and inside clean up quarterly. These are one-hour commitments, and we expect every family to attend one per year.



A limited number of people have access to the building for insurance reasons and accountability. Here are some expectations for those individuals:

Locking up

- Report ANY damages found and issues immediately to the owners.

- TRIPLE check that all 4 doors are locked

- Clean up all trash, food, and report untidiness that was found prior


- Contact the owners if you need to request additional time in the building outside your prior agreements. Please don't show up at the building unexpectantly.


- Agreement is with YOU and not your participants!!!

- You agree to be the last person out after doing a walkthrough.

- You agree to pick up after all kids, even if they are not yours and the parents failed to do so.

- You agree to request uses outside your normal weekly reservation AND agree to text the owner for approval BEFORE putting it on the Nexus calendar.

- You agree to text the owner at the beginning of each school year and/or semester to request your weekly dates and times. YOU ARE NOT LOCKED INTO A TIME SLOT JUST BECAUSE YOU PREVIOUSLY HAD THAT SLOT, and need to confirm that your schedule can stay the same.

- You AND your participants agree to stay off all rock climbing equipment and walls. The rock climbing program is separate from Classical Conversations and other programs meeting at the building. One of the owners must be present and actively involved with participants to use ANY rock climbing equipment and walls. Your use of the building will be terminated if this rule is not strictly followed.

- Your use of the building will be terminated if you give out our key or code to anybody else. If someone else wants access, refer them to the owners.


Owners reserve the right to terminate use to any family and for any reason.